Entrance fees

Prices in euros, per personnormalreduced
Performance 13,90 € 8,30 €
Groups of 10 or more people * 8,30 € 5,50 €
Block of 10 admission tickets 113,80 € 64,70 €
Festival pass (for all performances) 164,40 € 113,80 €

* Group tickets must be reserved in advance during office hours of the Event Services and VHS department by calling (+43) 7242 / 235 7040.


Discounts apply to:

Children up to 15 years of age

Pupils, students, apprentices, civilian and basic military servants

Unemployed, recipients of compensatory allowances

Holders of the disability pass from the Federal Social Welfare Office

Seniors with senior-card, WIR-Jugendkarte Thalheim; Members of IG Freies Theater, IMAGO-Szene Wels, UNIMA

OÖ-Familienkarte: Child rate for adults, when attending the performance together with at least one child

10% discount applies to:

Holders of an Ö1 card



WIR-Jugendkarte Thalheim

Free entry for:

One accompanying person for every 10 visitors in groups (applies only to performances up to and including 4.30 p.m.)

Holders of the "Hunger auf Kunst&Kultur" culture pass for evening events and weekends

Only 1 discount can be claimed at a time!

Alter Schl8hofWels

Medienkulturhaus Wels

Programmkino Wels

Kulturverein Imago Szene Wels

 Radio ORF Oestereich 1

 Kinderkulturzentrum Kuddel Muddel Linz