Jo Posenenske (D)
Zimmer | Rooms

For Adults | Duration: 60 minutes

Friday March 14, 2025 | 6:00 p.m.

The American author Gertrude Stein (1874–1946), who lived in Paris, published her work Tender Buttons in 1914. In this three-part collection of experimental texts (Objects – Food – Rooms), she deconstructs language, domesticity, and gender roles. Tender Buttons is a cryptic yet vividly imaginative linguistic experiment, widely regarded as extraordinarily difficult, if not impossible, to translate.

The play translates “Rooms” – the third part of “Tender Buttons” – into an accessible stage language almost devoid of words. It takes Gertrude Stein at her word, and instead of asking, for example, what

“all the wonder of six little spoons”
means, the wonder is found in six little spoons and hung on stage.

In this playful exploration of architecture, gender, and domesticity, no wall stays where it was. The audience is invited to immerse themselves sensually in an absurd world between everyday life and a museum and to be seduced by a pop-up room. A program booklet in "easy to read"-language (reviewed by Lebenshilfe Bremen) offers further access to this work.

Performance, Concept, Play Development, Program Booklets: Jo Posenenske
External Perspective, Play Development, Sound: Franz Schrörs
External Perspective, Play Development, Poster: Nóra Vermes
Stage Construction: Fabian Schrörs
Artistic Supervision: Maya Weinberg, Antonia Baehr
Photo Copyright: Thilo Neubacher


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