theater margret (A/D)
The Earliest Venus

From 10 years | Duration: 45 minutes

Thursday March 20, 2025 | 7:30 p.m.

A play about a found object

The Venus of Willendorf is a small Venus figurine, crafted around 30,000 years ago and rediscovered in the early 20th century in Lower Austria. Since her excavation in 1908, she has fascinated numerous researchers attempting to uncover what this “Venus” might have symbolized for the people of the Paleolithic era.

Along the way, this small, rounded figure has been the subject of several misinterpretations: from a prehistoric fertility goddess to a kind of primal mother and even an icon of the body positivity movement.

In our puppet play, we ask ourselves what the Venus of Willendorf would say about all these theories. Would she have an opinion on all the opinions about her?

Direction: theater margret Authoress: Almut Schäfer-Kubelka Play: Gerda Pethke, Odile Pothier, Almut Schäfer-Kubelka Puppetry: Odile Pothier Set Design: Gerda Pethke Copyright Photos: Barbara Braun


About the Group:

theater margret consists of Gerda Pethke, Odile Pothier, and Almut Schäfer-Kubelka. Together, they created the play *The Earliest Venus* in 2023 as part of their studies in Contemporary Puppetry at the Ernst Busch Academy in Berlin. Since then, the trio has been touring as an independent company.


Alter Schl8hofWels

Medienkulturhaus Wels

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 Radio ORF Oestereich 1

 Kinderkulturzentrum Kuddel Muddel Linz